Thursday, July 28, 2011

*** tools and gadgets ***

i think i have a "hoarding" problem when it comes to kitchen tools and gadgets. i never feel like i have enough and there's always something else out on the market that i "NEED" to have.

like cookie cutters. you can never have enough of them. or cake pedestals or measuring cups, bowls, serving plates, spatulas, knives, scoops, wooden spoons, pots & pans. i know, i have a problem. i need more space, more cabinets and drawers to keep all these things organized.

my problem doesn't end in the kitchen. it's with anything "pretty". paper, ribbon, tape, scissors, cutters, punch outs. i totally want one of those cricut and silhouette machines. i need a bigger house.

this weekend i'll be working on cake pops. trying out different recipes and designs. stay tuned!

with love,

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

*** baking ***

i’ve been a SAHM (stay at home mom) for the past year and a half with a teenager and three little kids under the age of 7. unlike a 9 to 5 job, there’s no lunch breaks to get away, no random chats with coworkers at the water cooler, and no clocking out at the end of the day. transitioning from work has been exhausting, although i LOVE being able to be at home with my kids. you’re pretty much working 16 hours straight each day. fortunately i’ve found a way to keep my sanity -- by baking. it has been quite therapeutic experimenting with different ingredients and baking it in the oven. out comes a pretty little goodie to share with friends, family, and my children. i really love feeding others and watching them enjoy something i created. you can either eat it as is or gift them with pretty packaging. who doesn’t like to receive sweets as a gift?

i’ve become more serious about my baking hobby hence created this blog to officially start the journey. a journey to “infinity and beyond” with cupcakes, cake pops, cookies, cakes, and whatever baking creations that come across the way.

i hope you enjoy the ride!

with love,